How to Stop Dog Barking and Save Your Sanity

Dog barking is a frustrating problem, and it's not easy to solve. It will take time and patience, but you can do it!

The Problem

Your dog barks when they're afraid, excited, looking for attention, etc. This article addresses non-aggressive barking.

The Solution

Use one or both of our methods to teach your dog to bark and be silent on command.

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What Makes a Dog Bark?

Dogs bark for a bunch of different reasons, and it's really important to figure out what's causing the barking so that you can correct it properly. The tricks for correcting barking behavior are very different for a fear-motivated dog compared to a lonely dog.

Some common reasons for barking are:

  • separation anxiety
  • fear
  • being protective or possessive of something/someone
  • seeking attention
  • loneliness
  • playing/happiness

What NOT to Do to Stop Dog Barking

Let's work through the Do Not's of training your dog to stop barking.

  • DO NOT shout - This won't curb the barking, but will instead excite your dog into barking more.
  • DO NOT use muzzles or debarking - Muzzles have many useful purposes, but they will not permanently end barking. Debarking incredibly cruel and doesn't work! Dogs who are debarked can still bark, albeit quieter. This doesn't train your dog at all, it just removes their ability to bark loudly.
  • DO NOT be inconsistent - I know it's hard, but telling your dog it's okay to bark sometimes will confuse them. Be consistent. Correct barking every time.

Method One to Stop Dog Barking: Shh and Snap

The Goal

Distract your dog from barking and then mark the silence as good behavior.

This is best for dogs who bark because of...

  • happiness
  • fear
  • someone leaving the house
  • Every time your dog barks, clap to distract them and say "shhhh" while putting your finger to your lips.
  • As soon as they shush, even if only for a second, give them a treat. If you go to give them a treat and they bark again, immediately pull the treat away and repeat step 1.
  • The final piece of this puzzle is snapping your fingers when the dog goes quiet. You can also use a clicker here. The goal is to mark the good behavior, so as soon as they stop barking you snap, then treat with praise.

Method Two to Stop Dog Barking: Speak and Quiet

The Goal

Teach your dog how to speak on command as well as be quiet on command.

This is best for dogs who bark because of...

  • excitement/overactivity
  • lack of attention (in their mind, regardless of how much attention you've given them)
  • loneliness
  • desire to protect or be possessive
  • Every time your dog barks, say 'speak' and reward.
  • After a few times, your dog will start looking at you for affirmation whenever it barks. Keep saying 'speak' and rewarding for each bark, but now we're going to add...
  • Quiet every time your dog falls silent. Make sure to say it very quickly when the silence happens, followed by a reward.
  • Continue marking the 'speak' and 'quiet' behaviors with the command words and a treat until your dog gets it. This will likely take a few days.

When Nothing Stops Dog Barking: Recommended Products

Sometimes no matter what you try, a dog just likes to bark. Maybe they're scared, maybe they're bored, it doesn't matter. Some dogs just love being vocal. This is not a horrible trait and I don't believe it should be curtailed completely, but these tools can help you overnight or when you really need your dog to be silent for awhile.

Bark Collars

DogRook Rechargeable Dog Bark Collar - Humane, No Shock Barking Collar
Paws Furlosophy PF651 No Shock Collar for Dogs
STOPWOOFER Dog Bark Collar - No Shock, No Pain, Humane Barking Control Device

DogRook Rechargeable
No Shock Bark Collar

Paws Furlosophy PF651 No Shock Collar for Dogs

STOPWOOFER Dog Bark Collar - No Shock, No Pain

Ultrasonic Barking Deterrents

SJTKJ Rechargeable Ultrasonic Dog Barking Deterrent
STOPWOOFER Ultrasonic Dog Training-Bark Control Device
STOPWOOFER Dog Bark Collar - No Shock, No Pain, Humane Barking Control Device

SJTKJ Rechargeable Ultrasonic Dog Barking Deterrent

STOPWOOFER Ultrasonic Dog Training-Bark Control Device

DOG CARE Dog Barking Deterrent Devices Dual Sensor

Wishing you and your dog many peaceful days,

Cassie Mackin with Dog

Our pets are a responsibility, not a privilege. We have to give them the best lives possible, if only to pay them back for all the wonder they give us.

-- Cassie Mackin

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